Workshop “Intraday electricity market in Serbia” – 28.03.2023.

The workshop “Intraday electricity market in Serbia” was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia

A workshop on the introduction of the intraday electricity market in Serbia was held at the premises of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia on March 28, 2023.

The speakers at the workshop were representatives of SEEPEX, BSP Southpool and ECC. The opening speech and support to this project were given by the Ministry of Mining and Energy and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia.

The great interest in this workshop was proved by the presence of more than 180 participants, as well as a large number of participants who joined the event via video link.

The introduction of an organized intraday electricity market represents a new product and the last segment in the establishment of a complete market framework for electricity and an incentive for further development of the electricity market. The introduction of the intraday product on the market in Serbia will enable a more precise balancing of the net positions of buyers and sellers within the day, which reduces the need to activate balancing energy, facilitates renewable sources integration, and offers a possibility to mitigate unwanted deviations due to unexpected changes in consumption, production and unplanned outages.

The intraday market is planned to start by the end of June 2023.