Today in Budapest, an agreement was signed for the association of the electricity exchanges of Serbia, Slovenia, and Hungary, SEEPEX, BSP Southpool, and HUPX.
The agreement for the association of the three exchanges was signed by the directors of the transmission systems ElektromrežeSrbije, MAVIR – Hungary, and ELES – Slovenia, and the European exchange EPEXSPOT, as a shareholder in the company ADEX. The signing was attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, Peter Sijarto, the Minister of Environmental Protection, Climate, and Energy of Slovenia, Bojan Kumer, and the State Secretary at the Ministry of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia.
Representatives from the Adex group, Anže Predovnik and Miloš Mladenović, were also present. With the signing of the agreement in Budapest, the Hungarian electricity exchange, HUPX, joined the ADEX group. Welcome!