SizeThe minimum volume increment is 0.1 MW.
TickThe minimum price increment is EUR 0.01 per MWh.
UnderlyingElectricity traded for delivery the following day in 24 hour intervals. Special case: A full 25 hour Excel template is needed when the clocks are set to winter time. Hour 3 and 3X can contain different values. When the time is switched to summer time the system automatically deletes the exceeding quantities for hour 3 (i.e. 2.00 am to 3.00 am).
Place of DeliveryDeliveries are made within the Serbian transmission system managed by EMS.
Auction hours24 hrs per day starting forty five days before Delivery Day, 7 days a week, year-round, including statutory holidays.
Order Book closesDaily at 11:00 am.
Publication timeThe auction results are published as soon as they are available from 11:10.
Type of orders

Individual hours: Orders contain up to 256 price/quantity combinations for each hour of the following day. Prices must be between 0.0 €/MWh and 4000 €/MWh. The 254 prices are not necessarily the same for each hour. A volume – whether positive, negative or nil – must be entered at the price limits. A price-inelastic order is sent by putting the same quantity at the price limits.
Blocks: Block orders are used to link several hours on an all-or-none basis, which means that either the bid is matched on all hours or it is entirely rejected. Block orders have a lower priority compared with single hourly orders. The quantity may be different for every hour of the block. A block order is executed for its full quantity only. A block order is executed or not by comparing its price with the volume-weighted average of the hourly market clearing.

Maximum hourly block order volume is 50 MW.

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