The Organized Market Committee of SEEPEX is an official body of exchange. OMC members reflect the diversity of economic and corporate profiles that exists among Exchange Members from various sectors: Power trading companies, transmission system operator and production companies. Its operations include in particular the adoption of Exchange Rules and the Code of conduct of SEEPEX and their amendments. The Organized Market Committee approves new trading systems as well as new Contracts or Market Areas and approves the appointment of the Head of the Market Surveillance Office. It meets up quarterly.

The Exchange Members are represented by:


EFT trading: Mr. Ivan Kalafatic, Electricity Trader
GEN-I: Mr Srdjan Resavac, Regional Manager SEE
INTERENERGO: Mrs. Anita Stanković
ALPIQ: Mr. Ivan Ivanov


ELEKTROPRIVREDA SRBIJE: Mr. David Zarkovic, Wholesale Electricity Trading Sector Manager
MVM: Mr. Viktor Varga, Director of Asset based Trading


ELEKTROMREZE SRBIJE: Mrs. Jadranka Janjanin, Head of Scheduling and Procurement department

Role of the Organized Market Comittee

The Organized Market Committee comprises at least five (5) members, which can only be representatives of Exchange Members, with the exception of experts designated in their personal capacity (“other parties”). The members of the Organized Market Committee are elected for a three-year period.
The first Organized Market Committee shall be nominated by SEEPEX AD Board.
The Organized Market Committee meets if it deems appropriate, but at least once every quarter. SEEPEX AD and a quorum of three members shall have the right to require an Organized Market Committee meeting.
The Organized Market Committee has the following powers:
• deciding on changes to the Market Rules upon proposal by SEEPEX AD
• giving approval on the introduction of new Trading Systems;
• giving approval on the SEEPEX AD decision to introduce new Contracts or Market Areas;
• asking the SEEPEX AD to report on market environment and activity, projects, changes to markets and products and market surveillance activities (on an anonymous basis).