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The content of the SEEPEX website is protected by copyright and designed for private use only. Any utilization of the content of this website which infringes on the provisions of copyright laws without the prior consent of the originator is prohibited. All rights, especially the rights of utilization, duplication, distribution and translation are reserved.


The information on this website is provided for general information purposes only and is not intended to serve as a source of legal advice or of any other form of advice for any purpose.

Neither the receipt of information presented on this website nor any email or other electronic communication sent to SEEPEX through this website will create any SEEPEX-client relationship. No user of this website should act or refrain from acting on the basis of information provided on this website without seeking legal advice from counsel in the relevant jurisdiction.

We thoroughly check all published information for accuracy and undertake best efforts to maintain its accuracy. SEEPEX nevertheless does not accept any responsibility and expressly disclaims liability with respect to reliance on information published on this website and from actions taken or not taken on the basis of its contents.

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

The SEEPEX website may link to external websites and other external websites may link to this website. SEEPEX is not responsible for the content of any such external websites and disclaims any liability associated with them.

Privacy statement

The protection of your personal data and the privacy of the visitors to this website are a high priority to us. SEEPEX acts in compliance with the Serbian Personal Data Protection Act.

Usage of this website generally does not require disclosure of personal data. We only record information provided by your internet provider, including in particular your IP address and the time and duration of your visit. This information is saved during the time of your visit and analyzed solely for statistical purposes under strict protection of anonymity. The SEEPEX website uses cookies, find more information in our cookie policy.

Other personal data is collected solely with your explicit approval given in connection with the services offered on our website (e.g. career portal, event information, newsletters). We only use this information for the specific purpose of the individual service and in compliance with applicable laws.

You may always request information about your personal data recorded and stored by us and have the right to correct and delete such data at any time, as well as to revoke your approval to collect and use your personal data. In any such case, please contact us under